Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Some Things On My Mind

You know, I've always been a firm believer in expressing yourself through whatever ways you can.  When I was younger I used to be very self conscious.  I was a bigger girl.  Now that I am older and I look back on my childhood, I realize that I missed out on a lot of things by keep to myself most of the time.  If I would have just opened up and let myself be who I really was, I would actually have more fond memories of being a child.  It's a shame that it took me so many years to come to this realization, but that happens.  The important thing is that I am who I am now and that I am wiser.  At least now I can enjoy my life and not have to worry so much about what others think of me.  It's nice to be able to go to the store without any makeup on and not give a crap about who is staring at you.  Ha.  Have a great night.  If you haven't yet, make sure and check out my previous post about Iron Man 3.  Here's the url:

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